The PTC students came 5th. to 12th. November and we had a very spiritually profitable time on the subject of Pastoral Theology. As I sought to emphasize the priority of preaching, and preaching in one’s own local church instead of travelling widely, this became very convicting to them as they like to move around. We discussed much from the Scriptures about using the Bible in public praying, administering the ordinances, and conducting weddings and funerals. The latter are so important here, and we decided this may be so because people do not want to take the chance of being cursed by the spirit of the dead. Then we went on to how to counsel those with problems, and direct dealing is not something the average Kenyan finds easy.

clip_image002We came to the end of another year of the PTC on 12th. November. Over lunch we had the usual farewell speeches for the 2 who have completed all the lectures in Nairobi. Barnabas Olare (left) is from Mombasa (see 2014, No. 10). He movingly told us that if one met him now apart from his face he would be totally unrecognizable from 3 years ago! The Lord has changed him from being a preacher of Prosperity to Doctrines of Grace. Dominic Ndung’u (right) is a member of TBC Nairobi, and has been a ministry Intern for the past 2 years. He is particularly interested in working among children and youth and is taking charge of the forthcoming High School Camp and VBS.

South Sudan

Please pray for David Awan Malek, a Pastor with the Trinity Baptist Church of South Sudan, centred in Malakal. This is the area that has been so devastated by the present civil war, with whole towns being destroyed, Malakal, Balliet, Adong, Gelachol, etc. These were places that I visited in 2010 and 2012, and some church leaders and members have been killed. Most people are now living in refugee camps. David plans to be with us for the next 2 months to study theology, to better his English, to learn how TBC Kenya functions, and to look after some health concerns. Pray for this country that claims to be Christian but needs the Biblical gospel. Pray for someone willing to go there to help them.
