Dear Brethren
Greetings in Christ’s name from Nairobi. This is a quick email to solicit your thanksgiving and prayer for us.
Pastoral Theological Course (PTC)
From 7 th to 14 th November I taught the last session this year, on Reformation Church History and Apologetics. 4 of the 7 students have now finished their course work in Nairobi. All that remains is to finish some assignments at home, complete the 2 papers, and then they will graduate. The students have been a tremendous encouragement to me by their faithfulness and we had a lovely time of reflection and prayer with a small cake on the last afternoon.
- Elly Achok returns to his church in Mumias (West Kenya) having grown so much.
- Charles Awelo returned to his church at Ihonje (near Mumias) and promptly resigned as it has become clear that the real power behind the church is a polygamous man on whose land the church is built and whose relatives make up most of the congregation. We will pray the Lord leads him into a fruitful ministry.
- Isaiah Juma returns to Kasei in North Pokot where we have sent him especially to minister to the students in the secondary school.
- Joseph Mucheru returns to Gilgil (near Nakuru) where he is seeking to plant a church. Our young people will be going there after Christmas for a mission to encourage him in evangelism.
We have agreed on 4 new students to admit for January 2014. We are also hoping that one Sudanese brother from a remote place on the Ethiopian border, Pochalla in Jonglei State, will be able to come. It would be impossible for him to travel each time as one way it would take him at least a week. We are thinking of the possibility of bringing him and his small family to the refugee camp in north Kenya (Kakuma) where many of his people escaped during the civil war, or even to Nairobi.
Church Meeting
We had a congregational meeting on 17 th where the Lord graciously gave us full unity. It is our practice that each pastor is re-evaluated every 3 years and the members again gave me their backing. I told them this will probably be the last time as at 70 I will seek to retire from the leadership of the church. May the Lord raise up more leaders to join with Pastor Murungi!
Pokot North
Tomorrow morning I am leaving early for another week and a half in Pokot North. I am going with Vincent Kajuma, a fairly new member with his wife Maggie, and at the meeting (above) we agreed that he should be one of our 2 interns in 2013, and also that he should join the PTC. Please pray that I will be an encouragement to the brethren there as I bring the word of God to them and exhort them again to put their preaching ministry ahead of school administration.
Priscilla is with Jonathan and family in the States and is due back the beginning of December, Lord willing. Please excuse the haste as it is bed time and I must leave before 06:00 tomorrow morning in order to beat the traffic jam.
In Christ’s service,
Keith Underhill